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Preguntas más comunes para - Geosat 6 Europe Refurbished
Please download from this link the document that explains how to proceed with updates of software and maps manually, without Suite using (document is Italian and English language).

I connected the Geosat to the PC and launched Geosat Suite, Suite shows this message:

"Data on Navigator may be corrupted. Please follow these steps in order to restore the data integrity"

I follow the procedure but, as the Suite restars, always show the same message.


In this case you have to update the software manually (it means without using Geosat Suite).

As first step you have to download the " folder" using the link below


After downloading it on you PC, unzip the folder to obtain the unzipped "SWUpdate".

Then delete the zipped folder


Into the SWUpdate folder you will find other 2 folders:





Connect Geosat 6 to the PC and do not launch the Suite.


ATTENTION: Now it is required to find, the 2 disks "removible disk" and "local disk" of your Geosat 6.

As connected Geosat 6 to the PC, these 2 disks should appear on the "My Computer" section. Each one is identified by a letter, for istance:


Removible Disk (F):

Local Disk (G):


( for Mac OSX users: on Mac system you will not find removible disk and local disk, but, as connected Geosat 6 to the computer, on the Desktop of the Mac you will find 2 new disks, named NONAME and UNNAME )


The 2 disks have also a different content; removible disk can be recognized because it is the one that contains the following folders:







Local disk instead will contain the following files and folders:


MP4 (folder)

Languages (folder)

Geosat6Start.exe (file)

OS.ver (file)

Serialcode.dat (file)


Now it is possible to copy the files and folders to recover all the system.

Open the removible disk and in the same time open the "SD" folder previously downloaded.


Copy the content of the SD folder into the removible disk:

IMPORTANT: you do not have to copy the SD "folder" directly, but you have to:


- open the SD folder

- select all folders you can find inside

- copy and paste all these folders into the removible disk of the navigator


(For Mac OSX users: copy the content of the "SD" folder into the disk that already contains the folders: Geosat6, FONTS, Loquendo.. etc)


If the copy and paste have been done successfully, the computer should ask you to overwrite the existing folders, then it will be sufficient to confirm the overwriting of these

folders to complete the procedure.


Then open the NAND folder and copy the content into the local disk of the navigator (the other disk we described here above).


Follow the same identical operation and suggestions provided for the removible disk.


(For Mac OSX users: copy the content of the NAND folder into the disk that already contains the folders MP4, Languages, .. etc)


The last step of the procedure is the restart of the Operative System of the unit:



After the copying of the files as described above, remove safetly the unit from PC and disconnect the USB cable.

Start the unit and wait the main page loading. The main page of the Geosat is the blue page with the 2 main icons (Navigation and MultiMedia reader).

Then connect the Geosat 6 to the wall power cable.


Now use 2 pens or 2 pointed objects and follow this procedure:


- with one of the pointed object press and hold the button that is into the little hole near the SD slot card (it is on the low part of the unit, 

  it is the hole without lables or writtens) and DO NOT release it.

- with the other pointed object press (only one time) the button that is into the little hole with "reset" indication.


- Now the display of the unit should switch to a blue page with some percentage counters 0%-100%. If yes please RELEASE ALSO THE FIRST BUTTON and wait that the unit restarts automatically. If yes it means that also the Operative System have been correctly restarted and the unit should show again the main page (the one with the 2 main icons (Navigation and MultiMedia reader).


If you are in trouble with last procedure please download the video tutorial from this link:

(If after pressing the restart buttons you will receive an error message on the display of the unit, please write an email to [email protected] specifying the title

of this Faq, the error message you receive and communicate the MOD number of the unit itself. The MOD number is reported on the paper label of the unit itself and it is like

P1Mxxxxx. AvMap Technical Support operators will reply you providing the correct link to use for the downloading of the "" folder specific for your unit).


After this last procedure click on the Navigation icon and enter into the internal Navigation system to check if everything is ok:

Click on Menu - System Info - Software: you must have:


Software: 2.29.286R

OS: 1.3.73R


If yes it means that the update of the Software and of the Operative System have been concluded correctly.



Los navegadores AvMap están garantizados 2 anos despues de la fecha de compra.


Como obtener Asistencia
para su producto AvMap:

1.   Registre su Navegador

2.   Lea la sección de preguntas frecuentes

3.  Si no encuentra la respuesta a su problema, entonces escríbanos rellenando el formulario de Assistencia en linea

4.   La asistencia al cliente le responderá proporcionandole las instrucciones y el número de teléfono de Call Center.

5.  Si el problema no se puede resolver por teléfono, usted recibirá por correo electrónico un código de reparación 'RMA' con todas las instrucciones para enviarnos su navegador para su reparación.