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Software updates Drivers Gebruikshandleidingen Gpx Converter
GSUpdate5 2.05.68R

1. LibTech v1.36.0B integrated. Enabled TMC encryption feature
Disabled “Consider Driver Habits” feature to calculate route timings. Old method set to be used based on Teleatlas data.
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AvMap navigators are guaranteed for 2 years after  the purchase date.


How to get Customer Support
for your AvMap device:

1.   Register your Navigator

2.   Read the FAQ section

3.   If you do not find the answer to your problem, then write us filling the online Assistance form

4.   The Customer Support will reply providing you instructions and the Call Center phone number.

5.   If the problem cannot be solved over the phone, you will receive via email a repair code  ‘RMA’ with all the instructions to send us your navigator for repair.