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GSUpdate5 2.19.117R new app - 2012-04-23

Minimum Requirements:

Map T-XX-QXXX.06,   Ver. 8.0  (03/12/2007)  Which version is your map?

What's new?
Software update for Geosat5 is the same as previous version: only the update application has been modified:
- In track window the tracks names was truncated sometimes to 2 letters (maxim 8 is allowed)
- "Loquendo" and "Geosat6" folder is not backuped at Backup to avoid backup process not ending because of bug present there that can't be fixed and make process to not end succesfully.
- Backup/Restore process improved
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AvMap navigators are guaranteed for 2 years after  the purchase date.


How to get Customer Support
for your AvMap device:

1.   Register your Navigator

2.   Read the FAQsection

3.   If you do not find the answer to your problem, then write us filling the online Assistance form or contact the CALL CENTER +39 0585 784044

4.   The Customer Support will reply providing you instructions.

5.   If the problem cannot be solved over the phone or email, you will receive via email a repair code  ‘RMA’ with all the instructions to send us your navigator for repair.